What you needed:
1. Chase account bank (checking or credit card account)
2. Mobile phone with NFC (iPhone or any Android from version 7)
3. VPN or Proxy whatever you use but not raped ones must be clean
Your steps:
1: First of all we setup our connection (I mention clean proxy or vpn)
2. Install Gpay Application https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...s.walletnfcrel
3. Install Chase Application https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...se.sig.android
4. Log in into Gpay once so phone syncs with all apps
5. Log in into Chase bank account, choose your checking or CC then scroll down to end and see "Digital Wallets". Tap it and then tap Gpay logo and tap you card
Follow all this steps. Now we got it added in Gpay.
We dont have any card information. We didnt use any SMS/Call confirmation. Card is ready for real/online work.
On iPhone same thing.
What you needed:
1. Chase account bank (checking or credit card account)
2. Mobile phone with NFC (iPhone or any Android from version 7)
3. VPN or Proxy whatever you use but not raped ones must be clean
Your steps:
1: First of all we setup our connection (I mention clean proxy or vpn)
2. Install Gpay Application https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...s.walletnfcrel
3. Install Chase Application https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...se.sig.android
4. Log in into Gpay once so phone syncs with all apps
5. Log in into Chase bank account, choose your checking or CC then scroll down to end and see "Digital Wallets". Tap it and then tap Gpay logo and tap you card
Follow all this steps. Now we got it added in Gpay.
We dont have any card information. We didnt use any SMS/Call confirmation. Card is ready for real/online work.
On iPhone same thing.